Don’t be a penguin, be a Peacock!

Don’t be afraid to let your spirit shine through

I’m lucky enough to have some very inspirational clients, some who have become really valued friends, like the wonderful Sue Kreitzman

Adorable sue

Sue Kreitzman at the Vaults November 3rd 2015 .Photo by Tim Hoy-Griffiths.

who’s motto Dare To Wear encourages and inspires individuals to put aside their inhibitions and wear what they really love but have never dared to. Once you take that step it is an easier and more profound exercise than you can ever imagine.

Another one of my wonderful clients is BJ Gallagher who is an author and keynote speaker, an inspirational, colourful woman who has written a book called A Peacock in the Land of Penguinsa truly remarkable book that speaks about how we self censor in a world that encourages uniform and how to break out of that mind set.

I made BJ a very special short kimono from various peacock themed fabric with a handpainted peacock on the back. It suited her perfectly and I’m very proud that she chose to wear it during many of her conventions where she speaks.

Not everyone has the confidence initially to stride out in such a flamboyant garment as a kimono, but I now make neckpieces that allow those of a more penguin bent who harbour peacock desires to indulge without too much commitment.

Here is a neckpiece with peacocks that I call the Garden of Eden neckpiece. It features peacocks, butterflies, flowers , a snake and a cherub. It has lots of sequins and beads and crystals for added sparkle and pizzazz.


To order your own neckpiece and be a peacock rather than a penguin  email me here 

Please put ‘Neckpiece’ as the subject of your email .